Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The empty streets

I walk the empty streets tonight
Paddling my way through lazy thoughts littered around me.
This way and that I see how I try to grasp, and contain,
The wispy reality which is but a dream I saw tomorrow.

There is an urge in all man
And when it finds itself fulfilled
By the way a branch twists into the open sky,
By the way a cloud embraces the mountain top for a halting retreat
By the way a bird flutters its wings open,
Then and there, this and that Meet
And the journey of a thousand miles in finished in one step.

I am back again on the empty streets,
Thoughts wetted by the rain, join the stream
Into the drain.
The rent is paid and the celebration continues!


Unknown said...


strat said...

The theme is just perfect. Let's party!
meditative music

Sojib said...

Nice post....

Maverick said...

nice poetic projection ... well done mate

ambar said...


Cross said...

Yeah yeah.. Real gud
Check dis out

ColorCrazzy said...

That was a fantastic poem! Did you write it yourself? I'm impressed if you did. Too bad I didn't come across it sooner! Feel free to check out my blog if you like art,etc. Just opened it. Thanks :D

Ruchi Bhasin said...

this is truly amazing!